Mississippi Mud Cake

Mississippi Mud Cake is a sumptuously rich and indulgent dessert, famed for its dense chocolate flavor and moist, brownie-like texture. Originating from the southern United States, this cake is a decadent treat, named for the muddy banks of the Mississippi River, reflecting its deep, dark chocolatey appearance.

The base of a Mississippi Mud Cake is a thick, fudgy chocolate cake, often made with a generous amount of melted dark chocolate and unsweetened cocoa powder to ensure a deep, intense chocolate flavor. The cake batter typically includes standard ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, and butter, but it’s the addition of buttermilk or sour cream that imparts a tender crumb and moist texture. In some recipes, a splash of strong coffee is added to the batter to enhance the chocolate’s rich flavor.

Once the cake layer is baked, it’s traditionally topped with a layer of gooey marshmallows, which are sprinkled over the hot cake right out of the oven. As the marshmallows melt, they create a sticky, sweet layer. This marshmallow topping is sometimes broiled for a brief moment to achieve a lightly toasted effect, adding a delightful contrast in texture and flavor.

The final, and perhaps most indulgent, layer of a Mississippi Mud Cake is a thick chocolate frosting or glaze. This frosting is typically made with melted chocolate, butter, powdered sugar, and sometimes a little cream. It’s spread over the warm marshmallows, creating a rich, glossy finish that seeps into the cake and marshmallow layers, further melding the flavors together.

The cake is often adorned with a sprinkling of chopped pecans, adding a nutty crunch that complements the soft, gooey textures of the cake. This addition of nuts is a nod to the Southern roots of the dish, where pecans are a popular ingredient in many desserts.

Mississippi Mud Cake is intensely rich and is usually served in small portions. It’s a popular dessert for special occasions, especially in the Southern United States, where it’s cherished for its deep chocolate flavor, contrasting textures, and its ability to feed a crowd. This cake is best enjoyed at room temperature or slightly warmed, allowing the layers of chocolate and marshmallow to be fully appreciated in their gooey, fudgy glory.


For the cake:

  • 1C.Butter unsalted and softened
  • 1 ½C.Granulated sugar
  • 1 ½C.All purpose flour
  • ½C.Cocoa powder
  • 4Large eggs
  • 2tsp.Vanilla extract
  • 1C.Chopped pecans
  • 4C.Mini Marshmallows

For the icing:

  • 16oz.Confectioners sugar
  • ½C.Whole milk
  • ½C.Cocoa powder
  • ¼C.Butter unsalted and softened

How To Make Mississippi Mud Cake

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Beat together the butter and sugar for the cake in a mixing bowl.
  3. Add in the flour, cocoa powder, eggs and vanilla extract until well combined.
  4. Fold in the chopped pecans.
  5. Spread the batter in an even layer in a well greased 9×13 baking dish.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes until cooked completely through.
  7. Immediately pour the marshmallows on top of the cake when removed from the oven and let them sit. Once they are soft and melted, spread them evenly over the top of the cake.
  8. Mix together the ingredients for the icing until smooth and creamy.
  9. Spread the icing over the top of the cooled cake, and serve.
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